What are custom events and why use them ?
Custom Events Are Messages
Custom events are messages that your program can broadcast to other objects in your application.
They have the advantage of being massively flexible, because other objects can choose to react to or ignore these events depending on how you’ve programmed them.
Custom events help simplify your program
Complex programs are simplified by breaking the tasks that the program has to perform into chunks, this idea is kinda like delegating each piece of work to a separate chunk, process or virtual person (via objects), you can then model your program on paper, say with circles for each process, and decide if one process starts directly after another one finishes, or whether it’s based on a signal (message i.e. event) from another process.
Custom events make it easier to add functionality in the future.
Practically speaking this means that if your program is designed to use events, you can add extra functionality to your system without risking breaking your program, this is because adding events doesn’t involve redesigning your application from scratch, but instead just adding a message line such as for example… “Step 4 Completed” and a new piece of code can be added to react to this.
This feature of making it easier to add functionality is partially because you’re using events and partially because you’re using class modules which are necessary for events to work.
When to use custom events
You want to send messages between parts of the program.
Events are best used when you wish to model real world applications that communicate with one another in some manner.
Applications that model real world situations have the following characteristics.
They are object oriented.
This means there are multiple class modules which will represent real world objects that need to communicate with other parts of the program.
They are Unpredictable in their operation
Specific code routines will need to run in an unpredictable (dare I say chaotic) manner, this means that each “object” will need to be able to handle itself when an unpredictable event or situation occurs.
Examples of this would include
Stock Market Trading systems (every equity (stock) would derive from a “Security” class which would have properties for Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) which would respond to “Price Change” and “events”.
- Every moving character and object whether AI or Human Controlled would be represented by a class which results in an object when the code is running.
- Examples of events in this situation would include Object A shoots at Object B. If object A decides it has hit object B, A could “send a message” to B such as “Hit” with the name of the object receiving the hit (in this case B). All objects would receive the hit event, but only Object B would drop its “Health” by one as the event contained the message that only B actually got hit.
Computer Games
- Multiple objects that interact with one another need to be modeled.
There are two parts to creating applications with your own custom events
- Creating the event
- Listening for and reacting to the event
Creating Custom Events
Step by Step process to create custom events in Excel VBA.
- Events only work with Class Modules, this means that you will need to have a class module to fire the event and one or multiple class modules to react to the event.
In the class module that fires the event you will need to declare a public event (usually at the top of the module).
This looks similar to a function or subroutine and takes the form.
05 Public Event eventNameGoesHere('as many arguments as you want here)
An example would be ..
05 Public Event NewTrade(byval szTickerName as String, byval lVolume as Long, byval dblPrice as double)
With the event above having been declared at the top of the firing class module, we then need the code to fire the actual event.
- To fire the above event you need to use the vba RaiseEvent statement.
- This can be added as line of code to whatever subroutine needs to fire the event, this will take the form.
05 RaiseEvent EventName(arguments)
An example would be ..
05 RaiseEvent NewTrade("TSLA", 100, 662.56) ' Stock TSLA (tesla) has traded 100 shares at a price of 662.56
So once the above RaiseEvent line is executed, a VBA project event is fired and any class modules that have been set to listen for this particular event will react to it.
Responding to Custom Events
So we’ve created the code for the events but now we need them to work.
All VBA applications need to be launched from either a Standard Module (AKA Module) or a Sheet Module (i.e. code behind the worksheet sheet).
Within a standard module or code sheet you can either declare your objects as private or public at the module level.
So the subroutine in the standard module will declare the class module to fire the event and any class modules that will listen for the event.
An example of the standard module code can be seen below.
01 Option Explicit 02 03 Private moThrow As clsThrow ' Declare class that contains RaiseEvent Code 04 Private moCatch1 As clsCatch ' Declare instance of class that reacts to event 05 Private moCatch2 As clsCatch ' Declare a second instance of the class that react to the event 06 07 Sub TestHarness() 08 Set moCatch1 = New clsCatch ' Create an instance of the Catch class 09 moCatch1.Caption = "Bill" 10 ' Create another instance of the Catch Class, each of these objects are hovever unique 11 Set moCatch2 = New clsCatch 12 moCatch2.Caption = "Rob" 13 14 Set moThrow = New clsThrow ' Create an instance of the Throw Class 15 16 ' This part is very easy to miss, the throwing class, clsThrow (object being moThrow) must be connected 17 ' to the objects (moCatch1 and moCatch2) that are receiving the event. 18 moCatch1.ConnectToThrow = moThrow 19 moCatch2.ConnectToThrow = moThrow 20 21 ' Here we instruct the Throw class to send a messge to fire an event 22 moThrow.SendMessage "Hey" 23 End Sub
You can see the code behind each of these methods (procedures ) in the class listing below.
First let’s look at the code for clsCatch.
01 ' This is clsCatch 02 03 Option Explicit 04 05 Public WithEvents TheThrow As clsThrow 06 Public mszCaption As String ' Internal variable to hold the name of the object 07 08 Public Property Let Caption(ByVal szIn As String) 09 mszCaption = "Catch " & szIn ' Calling program sets the object name 10 End Property 11 12 Public Property Get Caption() As String 13 Caption = mszCaption ' Calling program can ask the object it's name 14 End Property 15 16 Private Sub Class_Initialize() 17 mszCaption = "Catch" ' Sets the initial "basic" name of the object 18 End Sub 19 20 ' This property is very important, as it connects this class 21 ' to the event generation class 22 Public Property Let ConnectToThrow(ByRef oIn As clsThrow) 23 ' The variable "TheThrow" is what enables this 24 ' "event sink" to work. 25 Set TheThrow = oIn 26 End Property 27 28 Private Sub TheThrow_CanYouHearMe(ByVal szMessage As String) 29 ' Print out the caption to the immediate window in the VBA Editor 30 Debug.Print Me.Caption & "-" & szMessage 31 End Sub
So when TestHarness in the regular module executes moThrow.SendMessage “Hey”, the subroutine above “TheThrow_CanYouHearMe” will react to this message, the reason this subroutine reacts will be obvious if you look at the code for clsThrow below.
01 ' This is clsThrow 02 Option Explicit 03 04 Public Event CanYouHearMe(ByVal szMessage As String) 05 06 Sub SendMessage(ByVal szMessage As String) 07 RaiseEvent CanYouHearMe(szMessage) 08 End Sub
So in the clsThrow (moThrow object) SendMessge cause the “RaiseEvent CanYouHearMe(szMessage)” line to fire which makes use of the event that we’ve declared at the top of the module.
We can run the above code by clicking in the TestHarness subroutine of the standard module and pressing the F5 key or clicking the Run subroutine toolbar key (play button).
When we do this the following two messages get printed out to the immediate window
Catch Bill-Hey Catch Rob-Hey
This is because although we only created one “catch” class we derived (“instantiated”) two objects based on that class i.e. “Bill” and “Rob” and each of those responded to the event.
To show how flexible events are lets create a completely new class and have it respond to the same event, thus showing how extra functionality can be added with minor modifications to the code.
So let’s insert a new class module and call it clsGrasshopper.
It’s going to create a Chirp event with a class of clsThrow (being the class that the event comes from).
01 Option Explicit 02 03 Private WithEvents Chirp As clsThrow ' Event listener for the "SendMessage" event 04 05 Public Property Let ConnectToThrow(ByRef oIn As clsThrow) 06 Set Chirp = oIn 07 End Property 08 09 Private Sub Chirp_CanYouHearMe(ByVal szMessage As String) 10 Debug.Print "Grasshopper " & szMessage & vbCrLf & "Grasshopper says: - " & szMessage & " Yourself, now stop bugging me!" 11 End Sub
Now that we’ve created the “GrassHopper” class (clsGrasshopper), we need to launch a Grasshopper object, let’s call it “Gerry”, so we’ll define a module level object called “moGerry” that points to the grasshopper class, we also need to connect it to to the class that “throws” the event “clsThrow”.
This is done via the “ConnectToThrow” property above.
So just to be clear about what we’re doing here, I’m adding a grasshopper class to the program to demonstrate that when the throw event is fired, now not only will the clsCatch objects react to it but now the grasshopper i.e. “moGerry” will also react to it.
This demonstrates that you can add extra functionality to a program in the future without having to do a “major rewiring” job.
So the new lines that’ll be added to the mMain module are as follows…
' Added at top of module Private moGerry As clsGrasshopper ' Added near bottom of TestHarness Subroutine Set moGerry = New clsGrasshopper ' assign moGerry to grasshopper class moGerry.ConnectToThrow = moThrow ' Pass in moThrow object to Grasshopper object so it can listen for event
The adjusted mMain module now looks like this..
' This is mMain 01 Option Explicit 02 03 Private moThrow As clsThrow 04 Private moCatch1 As clsCatch 05 Private moCatch2 As clsCatch 06 Private moGerry As clsGrasshopper 07 08 Sub TestHarness() 09 Set moCatch1 = New clsCatch 10 moCatch1.Caption = "Bill" 11 12 Set moCatch2 = New clsCatch 13 moCatch2.Caption = "Rob" 14 15 Set moThrow = New clsThrow 16 17 moCatch1.ConnectToThrow = moThrow 18 moCatch2.ConnectToThrow = moThrow 19 20 Set moGerry = New clsGrasshopper 21 moGerry.ConnectToThrow = moThrow 22 23 moThrow.SendMessage "Hey" 24 End Sub
When the above code is run you should get the following message in the Immediate Window of your Integrated Development Environment.
Catch Bill-Hey Catch Rob-Hey Grasshopper Hey Grasshopper says: - Hey Yourself, now stop bugging me!
The above messages can be interpreted as …
- moCatch1 object Bill received the event (message)
- moCatch2 object Rob received the event (message)
- New Grasshopper object moGerry received the "Hey" Message and added it’s own "Stop Bugging me" response.
An excellent tutorial on how to implement a user created event!
I’d been working with another site’s example which I couldn’t get my head around. Your example and discussion was crystal clear.
Thanks for the feedback Don.
Very interesting tutorial, well explained. Can you tell me if it is possible to adapt to generate Custom Events not listed with Public WithEvents “Control” as MSForms.TextBox?
Not something that I’ve looked into, but I doubt it, as the internals of the textbox are programmed by Microsoft, whereas when you create a custom event for something, you have control of the internals.
i.e. you decide to create an event when something happens that you control, such as you have a loop monitoring a folder when a new file appears in that folder you could create an event such as new file added to your event class.
Microsoft however control the code of the MSForms.TextBox class.
Thanks for this.
I was able to insert a progressbar on a Macro’s dialog box to show the progress of a long-running process to load data into Excel, so the class library loading process can update the progressbar’s value through an event!
I found that all I needed to do in the code of the macro’s dialog box that had the progressbar object and the class library instance named obj if I simply added a sub named obj_eventName(args), I found when the event was raised in the class library it would run that sub automatically
Super simple!
Glad you found it helpful Garry.