The application that you are coding (Excel, Access, Word) has a visual representation (spreadsheet grid, word area for typing, Access tables and queries) and a programatic representation.
The VBA project is the programatic representation of your application and you can issue commands from here (on the fly) via the immediate window.
The visual representation of the vba project is the vba project window which is a child window of the VBA IDE, it displays all the objects which you can control or interact with from your vba project.
This view displays all user visible objects such as worksheets and charts and the user invisible objects such as class modules, code behind sheets and forms.
For example in Excel a Project represents the current workbook (file) that you are writing code in.
If you add a form, module or class module to the project you can view them here and access them by double clicking on them.
When you add a new form, module or class module to your project you get a meaningless name such as module1, form1 etc.
Double click the new object in the project window and then change it’s name to something meaningful such as mQueryDatabase or frmSystemLogin.